Clinical interests:

Mr Hasan Kasem grew up and went to school in Lanarkshire. He attended and then graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a BSc (Med Sci) and MBChB in 1991. After graduation he moved back and trained in the West of Scotland where achieved his specialist consultant qualification in 2003 (FRCS Gen Surg, Upper GI). He then came home and took up a consultant post at his local hospital. He has been a consultant surgeon at the University of Wishaw since January 2004. He has also consulted privately since then.
Mr Kasem has a specialist interest in diseases of the oesophagus, stomach, gallbladder, weightloss surgery and hernia surgery. He is an active member of the West of Scotland Upper GI Cancer network. He is also part of the West of Scotland Complex Hernia network and deals with all types of hernia and different methods of repair. He regularly attends a specialist conferences to aid his knowledge looking at the effectiveness of different treatments and learning about the latest techniques whether they be traditional, or novel. This helps him discuss different options in order to help his patients decide what the most effective treatment maybe for them and provide a bespoke service to them.

Individualised Hernia Service

Hernias are a common condition and can impact on normal activities and affect the ability to work. There are many different techniques to repair them should that be necessary. Each has its good and points and it is often a matter of balancing risks and seeing which is the right option for that individual.
During a typical face to face consultation he will be able to examine and diagnose it, assess the impact this has on you, decide together whether surgery is required and then if it is discussing the different treatment options allowing you to choose what is best for you.