Procedure Name: Male Breast Reduction  

Anaesthetic: General

Duration of Surgery: 1-2 hours

Recovery Time: 1-2 weeks, 6 weeks off exercise

Prices from: By consultation


What are the typical features of gynecomastia?

Some men will have a small amount of extra tissue around the nipple whilst others will have more noticeable breasts. In some instances it can be painful but not always.

What are the causes?

Whilst mainly due to hormonal changes in the body, gynecomastia can also occur as a result of puberty, older age and some rarer causes such as testicular tumours. For rarer cases, you should book in with our private GP to under go a medical examination.

What are the reasons for undergoing surgery?

Some men choose to undergo surgery because they feel embarrassed about their breasts for example, they may feel self-conscious about taking their top off on holiday. You should not undergo gyno surgery if it is only to please someone else.

What are my options for gynecomastia?

If you are currently going through puberty, rest assured that your gynecomastia will improve with time. Patience is key!

If you are overweight then weight loss is important.

Check that any medication you are currently taking is not contributing to your gynecomastia.

Surgery may be the best option if the above options don’t work out.

What surgical options are available?

Generally speaking there are three main options (which can be combined):

  1. Liposuction
  2. Gland excision
  3. Skin excision
How well will liposuction work?

Liposuction can be very successful if the quality of your skin is good, (which it is for most younger men), it may not be as successful if your skin is stretched from significant weight gain or loss.

If the breast tissue is too firm, then it may not be possible to perform liposuction alone and may require some surgery.

When would I need a skin excision.

If you have serious breast enlargement, you might need to have skin removed. If the skin is not removed it can leave you with loose folds of skin that look unsightly.

Unfortunately, this can leave visible scars across your chest.

What to expect

During the procedure sedation or anaesthesia will be administered to ensure you are comfortable. As everybody is different, your surgery may consist of liposuction alone or in combination with an incision used to remove tissue and skin, this will be discussed with you fully during your consultation. Pain is usually minimal and most of our patients return to their normal lifestyle and activities within two to three days. All of our procedures are conducted as day case treatments, removing the need for an overnight stay in hospital.


Whether you have had or considering breast implants – please take some time to read through the advice on aftercare.

Departing Cosmedicare

You will be provided with:

• Any medication required
• Spare dressings
• Follow up appointment


• Don’t drive home yourself – arrangements can be made for a private driver to take you home.
• Rest as much as possible.
• A balanced diet will be key!
• Take your prescribed medication.
• Avoid drinking and smoking.

Going back to work

You can usually return to work after 1-2 weeks off, however your plastic surgeon will be able to advise you better as each case is different.

Day to day activities

Showering. You may wash after you return home however it is important not to soak your dressings.

Clothing. You should wear a tight fitting vest day and night for 4-6 weeks after your surgery.

Drive. You should not drive for at least a week after surgery as you will be on pain medication.

Sleep. Ensure you are comfortable and try not to sleep on your tummy for at least three weeks.

Exercise. Give your arms a rest! You should not use your arms to support your body for the first few days. Contact sport should be avoided for at least a couple of months.

When to Call

If your concerned something is not right you should call us if:

Your swelling is not healing.
You have redness along the incision (this could be an infection).
You are having symptoms from your prescribed medication.
You have a high temperature.
Your incisions are secreting discharge.
You have excessive bleeding.

Please call us on …..

Risks to consider

Bleeding. This is uncommon when liposuction is performed. This may involve a trip to theatre to stop the bleeding.
Numbness. It is common to have areas of your skin feel numb post gyno surgery. This will in time change.
Under or over correction. In the event that too little or too much tissue is taken, this could result in contour defects. This may require revision.

All possible risks will be explained in detail at your consultation.