Key Facts

Procedure Name: Vaginoplasty


Duration of Surgery:

Recovery Time:

Prices from: £4,300


What are the reasons for having vaginoplasty?

We recommend vaginoplasty when the vagina has undergone changes that have resulted from aging or childbirth. Undesirable changes include reduced firmness of the outer labia and reduced padding of the vaginal walls and mucosa.

What does the procedure involve?

The procedure utilizes internal incisions to tighten the musculature, and in turn, increase contraction strength and control. This improves sexual satisfaction by increasing the amount of friction felt by both partners during intercourse.

Will the recovery process be hard?

The recovery process from vaginoplasty should be straightforward. The sutures used are dissolvable and recovery only takes a couple of weeks.

Is there anything to be embarrassed about?

Of course not! At Cosmedicare, we treat all of our interactions with our patients with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality. It is important that you feel you can communicate your desire to us with honesty, as this is one of the main components in choosing the procedure that will give you the results you desire. We want your procedure to be a success.

After Care

Departing Cosmedicare 

You will be provided with:

  • Any medication required
  • Spare dressings
  • Follow up appointment


  • Don’t drive home yourself – arrangements can be made for a private driver to take you home.
  • Rest as much as possible.
  • A balanced diet will be key. It is important to avoid constipation, so you may wish to add more fibre to your diet as well as drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Take your prescribed medication.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking.

Going back to work

You can usually return to work after 1 week off, however your plastic surgeon will be able to advise you better as each case is different.

Day to day activities

Showering. You may wash after you return home, it would beneficial add some salt to your bath. Use soft baby shampoos, and gently pat the area dry before adding your ointment.

Drive. You should not drive for at least a week after surgery as you will be on pain medication.

Clothing. Wear loose underwear and avoid any tight trousers.

Tampons. You should not use tampons until the area has healed.

Exercise. Avoid any kind of exercise that involves wearing tight sportswear that may cause friction for at least a month after surgery.

Sex. You should avoid having intercourse, until your wounds are fully healed and you feel comfortable. You may be asked to use a dilator, depending on the amount of tightening performed.

When to Call

If your concerned something is not right you should call us if:

Your swelling is not healing.

You have redness along the incision (this could be an infection).

You are having symptoms from your prescribed medication.

You have a high temperature.

Your incisions are secreting discharge.

You have excessive bleeding.

Please call us on …..

What to expect

Once you have fully recovered from your procedure, vaginoplasty results in a tighter vaginal canal, which can help increase sexual satisfaction.

Success rates are high for this procedure and you should be confident that Cosmedicare will achieve the results you are expecting.


Vaginoplasty can be carried out using a local anaesthetic .

Some of the risks involved in vaginoplasty include:



