Key Facts

Procedure Name: Brow Lift  

Anaesthetic: Local or General

Duration of Surgery: 1-2 hours

Recovery Time: 1 week, 6 weeks before hard exercise

Prices from: £3,500


What are the benefits of a brow lift?

An endoscopic brow lift can lift your brow into a higher, more youthful position. It can also reduce the heaviness of the outer eyelid and reduce the skin that needs to be removed in upper eyelid surgery.

What does the procedure involve?

During an endoscopic brow lift, the surgeon will make small incisions behind your hairline where an endoscope is inserted. The surgeon releases your brow from its current position, then lifts and secures it for a more youthful appearance. The result is long lasting and natural with no incisions across the forehead.

Can I combine a brow lift with any other surgeries?

Yes. Brow lifts are commonly carried out alongside upper or lower eye lid surgery, facelifts or fat transfers to the cheek areas.

Am I an ideal candidate for a brow lift?

The ideal candidate for an endoscopic brow lift has furrows or frown lines in the forehead area caused by stress, muscle activity, or inherited conditions such as a low, heavy brow or furrowed lines above the nose. The procedure is usually carried out on older aged patients to reduce the signs of aging.

After Care

Departing Cosmedicare

You will be provided with:

  • Any medication required
  • Spare dressings
  • Follow up appointment


  • Don’t drive home yourself – arrangements can be made for a private driver to take you home.
  • Rest as much as possible.
  • A balanced diet will be key. It is important to avoid constipation, so you may wish to add more fibre to your diet as well as drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Take your prescribed medication.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking 

Going back to work

You can expect to return to work and most normal activities in about a week.

Day to day activities

Showering. You can shower straight away after your surgery.

Sleeping. You only need to sleep on a couple of pillows and don’t worry about being too propped up. Comfort is key.

Clothing. Avoid wearing anything that may be too restrictive and come into contact with your eyebrows.

Driving. You should not drive for at least 3-4 days or until you feel comfortable. We can arrange a private driver to take you home.

When to Call

If your concerned something is not right you should call us if:

Your swelling is not healing.

You have redness along the incision (this could be an infection).

You are having symptoms from your prescribed medication.

You have a high temperature.

Your incisions are secreting discharge.

You have excessive bleeding.

Please call us on …..

What to expect

Immediately after your surgery, your forehead will have some bruising and swelling. Pain medication will be prescribed with most patients fit enough to return to work the following week. Whilst a brow lift can create a more youthful appearance, it will not stop the natural aging process.


Risks associated with brow lifts include scarring, swelling, hair loss, bleeding. Further risks you should consider will be discussed at your consultation where you will be assessed to see if you are a suitable candidate.