Procedure Name: Breast Lift or Mastopexy
Anaesthetic: General
Duration of Surgery: 2-3 hours
Recovery Time: 1-2 weeks, 6 weeks before hard exercise
Prices from: £5,200
Will I still be able to breast feed?
Many women are still able to breast feed post-surgery, however the possibility does exist that you may not be able to breast feed after a breast uplift.
Will my breasts look smaller after a breast uplift?
A small amount of tissue will be removed during a breast uplift, therefore, it can make your breasts look smaller. If you are looking to increase the size of your breasts this can be achieved by combining a breast uplift with breast implants. This can be discussed during your consultation.
Will I be a suitable candidate for a breast uplift?
You are a suitable candidate for a breast uplift if you think your breasts are sagging. Your nipples may be pointing in a downwards direction or have loose skin. If this is you, then a breast uplift is probably the right procedure for you.
Will an uplift make my breasts look fuller?
Whilst a breast uplift will give an overall better shape, it will not improve the fulness of your breasts in the same way implants can achieve. The results will be subtle. You can see some previous results by joining our Cosmedicare breast community.
I’m worried about the effects of scarring – will they reduce?
Once breasts have dropped to a certain extent, there is no other way of lifting them without removing and tightening skin. Before making your decision you should actively research before and after pictures of breast uplift scarring in order to make an informed choice about whether this is the right procedure for you. It can take up to 18 months for a scar to fully mature, sometimes longer.
How do you lift the nipple area?
To move nipples up to a higher position, a cut is made around them. The nipple will still be attached to the underlying breast tissue to maintain a blood supply. The tissue will then be repositioned with the nipple attached so that it can sit at a higher level.
What will the recovery be like?
Surgery can be carried out as a day case or with an overnight stay. You will need to be seen one week after surgery and then again to have your stiches removed. You should partake in any strenuous exercise for at least six weeks after surgery.
How long will it take for the procedure to settle?
It will take up to six months before your breasts look rounded and will continue to improve for up to 18 months.
What to expect
Following surgery, patients can expect some pain and discomfort, but this can be managed with medication. Minor bruising, swelling, and a numb sensation will likely affect the breasts and nipples within the first few weeks after your procedure. Stitches are typically removed within 10 days of surgery. You are usually able to return to normal routines within a few days to a week.
You should not expect to see overnight results and it could take up to six months for the final shape of your breasts to become apparent.
It is important to understand that although a breast lift can create a more youthful-looking cleavage, it will not deliver volume or fullness to the breasts. This can be achieved by a breast lift in combination with breast augmentation.
Any concerns can be answered by our surgeons before the revision is carried out.
Whether you have had or considering breast implants – please take some time to read through the advice on aftercare.
Departing Cosmedicare
You will be provided with:
- Any medication required
- Spare dressings
- Follow up appointment
Post-Surgical Bras
Cosmedicare will guide you on how to pick a good surgical bra that will support and provide comfort after surgery. You can find excellent surgical bras in high street stores such as Marks and Spencer’s and Matalan!
To find out more please click here ….
- Don’t drive home yourself – arrangements can be made for a private driver to take you home.
- Rest as much as possible.
- A balanced diet will be key!
- Take your prescribed medication.
- Avoid drinking and smoking.
Going back to work
You can usually return to work after 1-2 weeks off, however your plastic surgeon will be able to advise you better as each case is different.
Day to day activities
Showering. You may wash after you return home however it is important not to soak your dressings.
Drive. You should not drive for at least a week after surgery as you will be on pain medication.
Sleep. Ensure you are comfortable and try not to sleep on your tummy for at least three weeks.
Exercise. Give your arms a rest! You should not use your arms to support your body for the first few days. Contact sport should be avoided for at least a couple of months.
When to Call
If your concerned something is not right you should call us if:
Your swelling is not healing.
You have redness along the incision (this could be an infection).
You are having symptoms from your prescribed medication.
You have a high temperature.
Your incisions are secreting discharge.
You have excessive bleeding.
Please call us on …..
Risks you should consider
Not uncommon risks include delayed wound healing and asymmetry.
Uncommon risks include infections (which can be settled with antibiotics).
As pregnancy and breastfeeding can stretch the skin of the breasts, our plastic surgeons can discuss alternatives to breast lift surgery for women who are planning to have children in the future to ensure the decisions you make today and not regretted in the future.
More risks will be outlined to you during the consultation process.